
Solomon Islands Welcome Oceania Visit to 'Team Up' Workshop in June

Published Wed 05 Jul 2023

Secretary General David Peebles and Continental Development Officer Gill Gemming visited and were able to pack in many activities over 7 days.

Solomon Islands Hockey Federation started the trip with a magnificent hosted BBQ lunch at the stunning Harmok Beach. The executive, national team players and para hockey group were all present and the relaxed setting enabled David and Gill to talk to lots of individuals about their hockey progress and their aspirations towards the Gold Coast Tournament in July and the Pacific Games. After lunch while some people took the opportunity to cool off in the sea, it was wonderful to see national players and coaches mix with the Para Hockey group to do some skills and play a game.

The Team Up Workshop began on Monday and David and Gill were accompanied by President Winki Yee, Secretary General Pateson Akipu, and National Men's Coach Jack Donga. This was very important as not only did these 3 gain a full understanding of what a 'Sport 4 Development Program' was but they positively engaged in bringing the local perspective.

As a result of the workshop Oceania have submitted their co-design document by the deadline of June 30th.

The progress towards the Pacific Games was a major area to be covered off during the visit. Meetings were held with the National Olympic Committee Solomon Islands (NOCSI), National Sports Council (NSC), Pacific Games Sports Manager (GOC), Solomon Islands Institute of Sport (SINIS).

As the week drew to a close one of the most exciting visits occurred. As part of the Pacific Games a Hockey 5s pitch has been built and the NSC organised a trip to the venue to meet with the facilities group to do the measure and create a final plan for the construction of dugouts and technical bench and look at the other requirements needed for running the Pacific Games as well as becoming the Home of Hockey from 2024 onwards. The measurements went well and sign off was completed.
