
Papua New Guinea AGM and National Trials

Published Sat 29 Apr 2023

The results of the AGM saw the introduction of a new President: Ray Lapun, Vice President : Harry Kaisa, Executive Director: Wendy Mahoney, and Secretary Treasurer: Clive Pokiap.

President Ray Lapun expressed his heartfelt appreciation of the outgoing President Kaluwin Potuan for his outstanding leadership and tireless service to Hockey Papua New Guinea since 2008. 'His contribution to the growth and success of the sport in PNG is immeasurable and I look forward to building on his legacy in the years to come.' 

Ray further said ' As we now move forward, I'm excited to lead the Hook in4 Health Program which is centered on the theme Live Well, Learn Well, Lead Well. This program aims to promote health and nutrition, education awareness to communities and schools across PNG using hockey as a delivery tool.'

As well, participants and teams came from, Port Moresby (NCD), Kokopo (East New Britain), Lae (Marobe) and take part in the National Hockey 5s trials to select both women's and men's teams to represent Papua New Guinea at the Pacific Games to be held November/December 2023.

