
Massive cyclone damage in Vanuatu

Published Wed 12 Apr 2023

OHF received the knowledge of the devastation first hand as two staff members, Nasse Maltungtung and John Iawila came through to New Zealand for the Pacific Camp. Both had had their family homes destroyed and they were able to explain the issues that they were facing once they returned home.  

The remains of Nasse's home  

 Wansmolbag, which is the centre for all hockey activities and where the Hook in4 Health  program is run from received significant damage. The grandstand roof and structure was extensively damaged as was the artificial surface which had the seams ripped apart. Much of the fencing needs repair to enable safe use. Nasse, John and Joana received great support while they were at the camp and we able to take home extra shoes and clothing that had been donated.  The lifted surface

OHF Board through their Secretary General David Peebles will make a trip to Port Vila to meet with the VHF executive and staff to get a full understanding of their needs. He will also meet with Peter Walker, Wansmolbag Director, to discuss the facility and make a plan for recovery.   

