
Hook in4 Health Making Significant Impact in Port Moresby

Published Tue 01 Nov 2022

Up until the start of Hook in4 Health there were no organised youth activities in hockey available. The Hin4H team began opening the Sir John Guise Stadium to interested youngsters and the initial 4 to 6 participants has grown rapidly over the last 6 months to regularly hosting 50 - 60 young players both Saturday and Sunday mornings. 

Port Moresby Hockey Association is very supportive, supplying experienced volunteers to assist the increased numbers. The activities involve skill zones as well as participating in small games. The participants are now using the Hin4H My Hockey Journal which provides a workbook that covers healthy living, and sets them on the path to 'Live Well, Learn Well, Lead Well'. The staff are well supported by PNGFamily Planning Association who have been training them in health appropriate messaging.

Port Moresby Hockey Association Executive met with Gill Gemming to gain a full appreciation of the objectives of Hin4H and how they could play a vital part. An MOU outlining th relationship is currently being drafted as there are significant benefits for both groups.
