
Bob Claxton and Dr. Robin Mitchell awarded OHF Life Membership

Published Sun 08 May 2022

Bob Claxton became the OHF Secretary General in 2007 and set about developing a strong financial base to allow the Pacific Islands to be better supported, especially with appointment  of in country local people as development officers. Bob travelled extensively though the islands to better understand their needs. He also built positive relationships with Hockey Australia and New Zealand to be in a strong position around the table at the FIH Continental Federations Meetings to highlight progress and advocate for more support in whatever areas was necessary. Bob has been a strong promotor of the Hockey5s game and over the last 5 years as been instrumental in providing a Hockey5s championship at our major Continental championships allowing the pacific Islands to be present with Australia and New Zealand but to be able to compete at their own level.

Dr Robin Mitchell.

Dr Robin Mitchell has a very high profile within the world of sport as an IOC member, President of ONOC - Oceania Olympic Committee and Acting President of Associated National Olympic Committees( ANOC). However, it has been his passion for the game of hockey that has led to this award. Robin has been leading the Fiji Hockey Executive for many years as President. He was instrumental in getting the first artificial international water surface put down in 2003 and this led to a promotion of the game in Fiji and the opportunity to host many international events since then. Robin is now colloborating with the Fiji Sports Council over  the re laying of a new surface so that internationals can once again come back to Fiji. Due to his heavy travel commitments Robin has mentored a young vibrant Executive to continue the progress that will see Fiji Men and Women as the top ranked Pacific Island hockey nation.

OHF Executive and all it member NAs unanimously supported the conferring of Life memberships on Bob and Robin. 

