
AGM thanks outgoing President Clare Prideaux

Published Tue 09 May 2023

During Clare's four years of Presidency, Oceania Hockey Association saw significant change, development and strategic progress.

During this time there was the establishment of a new Strategic Plan where Clare involved the Pacific Islands to give them a voice in their Hockey future. She instigated the introduction of a Pacific Island Forum to be led by Fiji Hockey President Emi Nawaqakata to ensure that their issues and needs were acknowledged and were able to be brought to the Board table. It was through Clare's leadership that the Board member numbers were increased. This resulted in more even gender balance and the opportunity for more Pacific Island representation.

Clare advocated for the Oceania region at the FIH Executive level and chaired the FIH Sustainability Committee.

One of the highlights during her Presidency was the introduction of the Hook in4 Health Project in Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu. Oceania Hockey Federation was the Lead Agency for this Sport For Development initiative, where communities in PNG and Vanuatu Live Well, Learn Well, and Lead Well through Hockey. The success of this program resulted in a roll over to 2025 and an opportunity to involve the Solomon Islands in the next stage.

As a strong advocate for women's rights Clare ensured that women and girls were in the forefront of program consideration, employment and development.


